Thursday, March 14, 2019

Be Kind To Each Other

This week’s blog is on being nice to each other. I think this is an exceptionally easy concept, but it is sad how often people over look small things that would show kindness to others.  People get busy.  People think it is weird to be kind to a stranger.  Or, they just don’t realize how much a small gesture could change someone’s day.

Years ago, a friend told me, that she tries to say at least one nice thing a day to a total stranger.  She also told me that once a week, she tries to compliment someone for a job well done.  She said that the positive energy created by this routine was astonishing. I thought I would give it a try and she is right… that positive energy grows daily and soon, you find yourself looking for a stranger to say something nice to or really watching what other people do to help you.

Now, just to say something is not really the point.  It should be something you truly feel and should come from a place of kindness.

For instance:
  • If you see someone on the elevator with a great pair of shoes or a nice haircut… tell that person. 
  • Hold the door open for others. 
  • Make a point of really looking someone in the eye and thanking them if they hold the door for you. 
  • Thank the UPS guy for delivering you package to your door.
  • Tell the guy at the gas station you really like his car.
  • Ask your waitress how she is doing and really give her time to answer and care about the answer.
  • If someone at work does something above and beyond for you… send their boss a note telling them you are thankful to work with someone that goes the extra mile (cc the person to ensure that they know you appreciate their efforts).
  • Put a recommendation for someone on LinkedIn or on whatever company site your company might use for this (Cheers for Peers is utilized at my company).

Along these lines… Thank you all for following my blog while I discovered the ins and outs of the blog world. Your comments and kind words made this a really great learning experience.

This will be my last blog.  I am going to work on learning new things and possibly find a new outlet for my Sue’s Simple Suggestions! 


  1. I have truly enjoyed reading your tips Sue.

  2. Thanks. I might bring them back someday soon. I will definitely promote them starting up again when/if I do. :)

  3. What a wonderful way to end your blogging! I have always tried to make people smile as I go about my day. Simple acts of kindness...hugs!

  4. Thx. It is a great thing.. .if you can make someone smile. :)

  5. You have it exactly right. Passing on kindness, compliments and helpfulness help make someone's day a little brighter, especially yours. Thanks for reminding us of this. Will miss the blogs. Good luck with the next venture.


Packing for a trip

I was enjoying dinner with a friend the other day.  We were discussing traveling.  I love traveling and we occasionally share stories about ...