Thursday, December 27, 2018

The secret to life … better notes

A friend of mine once said “the secret to life is better notes”. 

I know most of you have heard this before, and you might be like I was and not really believe it.  I can say without a doubt … I BELIEVE!

I realized I was waking up in the middle of the night, wondering what I had forgotten to do that day.  I would almost have a panic attack in the shower over something I overlooked earlier in the week.  I would double book myself.  I was stressed and panicked all the time that stuff was falling through the cracks.  I am sure that most of you can relate.

Then, I took a task/time management class that discussed what having good notes could do for you.  I decided to give it a try.  I can say without a doubt that it saved my sanity.

I know this seems so simple, but it did take me years to marry completely to this idea of notes. I always believed that my mind would remember something I thought of at 1 am and then again in the shower.  Yet, when push came to shove, it would totally let me down and I would forget entirely to work on my PowerPoint when I was at work or buy cat food on the way home.

You might be thinking, “I am not a fan of lists and I don’t want to sit and take notes all the time”.  Honestly – I thought the same thing.  But, I am not proposing you make a daily list of things to do.  This is not that sort of suggestion.  I was never good at the whole A, B, C / 1, 2, 3 list thingy.  But, I did find beauty in a simple note.  Don’t get me wrong, I like a good task list.  Yet, I hated the thought of ranking them each day and then trying to live by that list as the day went on.

I use an old fashion steno pad or one of those cheap small spiral notepads.  I have these on my desk, in my purse, on the bedside table, in the bathroom drawer, etc.  I keep a pen attached to them at all times.  Then, when I have a quick thought in the shower about blog ideas, I can quickly dry my hands, pull open the drawer, and jot a note.   If I am out to dinner with friends and realize I forgot to send Lynda a note asking about her vacation, I can jot that down.  If I am driving and at a light I see vet sign, I can jot down that I need cat food.  I also carry one to any discussion or meeting with my co-workers, bosses or friends, to ensure that I capture things that I will forget before I get back to my computer.

Once I am back at my computer, I process these notes.  I send the email or I add the note to my task list, my calendar, my shopping list or wherever it needs to go.  I then crinkle up the note and give a paper ball toy to my cats to play with.  It is a win/win for us all.

Trust me, it did take me years to fully marry to the idea of notes.  I would not want to step out of the warm shower to jot a note.  But, after finally realizing the need for better notes, I find I sleep better.  I don’t have panic attacks and I don’t double book myself.

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