Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Treasure Your Traditions

My family is big on traditions. When I was younger, I wasn't always thrilled with being involved in so many family traditions and even tried to avoid some of them.  Luckily for me, my family kept up the traditions and kept including me. Now, I honestly treasure all these traditions. The memories are wonderful. I miss them if we have to skip a year or cancel the tradition entirely.

At a small happy hour with my cousin, sister, aunt and mom this summer, the conversation drifted to past Christmas celebrations. We tried to determine how the tradition of eating a full dinner at my grandma's house changed to an appetizer-style party at my house. I realized how even when the specifics of the tradition might have changed, the joy and the memories created after sharing the same traditions, help bond us together. Our happy hour gang laughed over things that happened over the years and truly enjoyed our walk down memory lane.

I know that getting together with family and friends is always fun and creates good memories, but there is something special about getting together year after year, for a specific traditional event. It seems to somehow connect us more, sharing something similar, year after year.  There is something about walking down memory lane together that really does promote closeness.

Year by year, our traditions have changed; people have been added and people have moved away. The hilarious memories of pictures with Santa were only made funnier the year we accidently broke Santa. I would have never thought I would miss that golly little guy.

As I said, we have a bunch of traditions with both family and friends. We are blessed.  As the next generation comes along, I hope we are able to create more traditions and increase the joyful memories we all share.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Why Covid scares me so much

The other day, I was speaking with my massage therapist regarding how scared I was of Covid. She found this so amazing. As many of you know, I am not a germaphobe or a hypochondriac.  I am one of those people that is always touching public doorknobs and light switches to help keep my immune system active. I actually sort of shun hand sanitizer, as I fear it is helping to create a super flu. I am always out and about during flu season; never worrying about catching it. My germaphobe friends find me insane.  

To my defense, I am generally healthy. Even if I catch a cold, normally within a day or two I am better. I get the occasional sinus infection, but even that only lasts a day and is easily handled with a sinus pill.  I take no major medications. I workout regularly and I drink plenty of water. I am not a health nut, but I am careful with my health.

I also have great genes. My family tree is healthy and long-living. Short of the proverbial beer truck hitting me, I really feel like living to 100 is something I can do. 

Given all of this, I never fear dying from the common cold and I really never think about catching the flu. Even if I did, I believe I would be down a day or two and then life would return to normal. 

Enter Covid.

I have no idea how to deal with this. I cannot grasp a virus that can hospitalize me or kill me. My genes will not help me. My overall good health makes no difference. If I get it and live, I could suffer unknown side affects. 

I am not mentally prepared to clean everything, all the time. I am not in the habit of washing my hands 30+ times a day and not touching things out in public. I just don't know how to deal with this.

Thus, I am basically hiding. I know my friends and family think I am a bit over the top. They know that most people my age and health do survive it if they get it. I think they feel I am a bit crazy.

I am working on being cautious without being totally hysteric about Covid, but I am struggling. 

Fortunately, I am surrounded by positive thoughts and people. My closest friends and family are allowing me to deal with this in my own way.  I am blessed. Hopefully I will continue to be lucky and survive this pandemic.

Wishing you all - very good health! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Making the most of life...what does this mean?

How often have we all heard...
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Time is precious
  • Make the most of your life
  • Live every day like it is your last
What does all this mean?  How do we live life to the fullest?  How do we use our time wisely?  

I struggle with this.  
  • If I am not busy, does this mean I am not making the most of my days?  
  • If I am having a lazy afternoon, am I wasting the time I have left?   
  • If I am not being productive, am I going to regret this someday?
As I age, I have learned that living a full life does not mean being active every waking moment.  It really means embracing the moments of our days. 

I have realized that reading a fun spy novel allows my brain to think differently.  Sitting on the porch watching the birds and squirrels, allows me to calm my breathing and understand the world around me. Even taking a nap helps ensure my body and mind get the rest they need.  

To me, making the most of each day no longer means I have to be either trying new things, being productive, or traveling to new places.  It actually means just being the best me I can be. Staying in touch with friends. Working to strengthen my mind.  Enjoying being calm.

I am lucky to have some leisure ("down") time.  I just need to remember that taking advantage of this luxury can also truly be living my life - just on a different level. 

Packing for a trip

I was enjoying dinner with a friend the other day.  We were discussing traveling.  I love traveling and we occasionally share stories about ...