Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Seasons of Life

I was on a webinar and the speaker talked about the "seasons of life".  What a great phrase.  I had never heard that before and it really gave me a lot of food for thought.

The speaker was discussing this in relation to careers.  I realized that there are a lot of seasons of life. I thought about how my life's priorities have changed over the decades.
  • My late teens:
    • I wanted to be grown up.  
    • I wanted to live on my own and make my own money.
    • I wanted to be independent.
    • I worked two jobs occasionally and basically lived to work and play.
  • My twenties:
    • I worked temp jobs and full-time jobs to learn about different companies and obtain different skills.
    • I wanted to gain knowledge to obtain a better career path.
    • I met John and wanted to get married.
    • I wanted to get us out of debt.
  • My thirties:
    • I wanted to make my business a success.
    • I generally worked seven days a week; at least 10 hours a day.
    • I began to realize how important my family was and tried to find time for them.
    • John and I began to get out of debt and start saving money.
  • My forties:
    • I wanted to settle in with a company and have a stable career and a steady paycheck.
    • I wanted to work less and find a better work/life balance.
    • I wanted to spend more time with friends and family.
    • I want to engage in more experiences, not own more things.
    • I wanted to start traveling.
    • I wanted to move to a new house.
  • My fifties:
    • I want a steady job with good co-workers and supervisors.
    • I want to continue to travel more and more.
    • I want to continue to spend time with family and friends.
    • I want to continue to get to experience new things.
    • I want to enjoy my house and work to make it better.
When I think about how my work and life preferences have changed, it is fascinating to me how I went from work and money being most important ... to family, friends and experiences being more important.  

No matter what, I feel lucky to have taken this path. Each priority was necessary at the time, to bring me to where I am now. I am blessed to have been allowed to enjoy so many great seasons of life.  I hope your seasons of life have been / will be wonderful. Enjoy each season for what it is. Try and have no regrets for doing what you need to do to live the life you want to live.


  1. Thank you for suggesting this. It is a truly fascinating journey to explore the phases of your life. I have spent quite a bit of time outlining my changing goals.

    1. Nice! I am glad you found this helpful. Good luck with your goals.


Packing for a trip

I was enjoying dinner with a friend the other day.  We were discussing traveling.  I love traveling and we occasionally share stories about ...