Tuesday, January 26, 2021

There is another meal right around the corner

If you have been around me personally, you have heard me say, "There is another meal right around the corner".  I love this saying. Trust me, it took me awhile to embrace the concept, but it really did make my life more fun and more interesting.

In my early years, I was afraid to try new things, especially when we went out to eat.  I wanted to go to the same restaurants. I ordered the same thing. I would freak out if my dish was unavailable.  I was almost paralyzed at a new restaurant, as I tried to decide what I should order.  I was scared that if I tried something new and hated it, I would have wasted good money and a meal.  

John would say to me, "There is another meal right around the corner".  I would ignore him.  He would order something unusual and allow me to taste it.  I would find his choice was very good.  I would be jealous that I hadn't ordered that dish.  And, sometimes, his choice would be very bad and we would need to stop on the way home for fast food or ice cream.

Over the years, I realized that I was stressing out way too much over meals. After all, it was just one meal. I was not going to starve to death. I could eat something different on the way home, or I could just go to bed a little hungry and wake up for breakfast the next morning.  

I began to "risk" ordering new things and trying new restaurants. I learned to eat foods I never thought I would love. I began to really enjoy the concept of going out to eat.  It was no longer stressful - it was enjoyable.

It is funny, I also have learned to relate this concept to other things in my life.  Trying new drinks, watching movies/tv that I would not normally watch, reading a book in a category that I would normally avoid, trying on cloths I would normally never consider, traveling to strange new places, and the list goes no and on.

Embrace the concept of trying new things.  There is always another chance (or meal) right around the corner.

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