Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Keeping Kudos

Remember that amazing feeling you get when someone gives you a kudos? It warms your heart. Makes you feel special. Appreciated. Gives you an ego boost.

Fast forward to a bad day. You just know no one likes you. No one appreciates the hard work you are doing. No one cares that you went about five extra miles to do something that was then not needed. Where is the love? Where are the kudos? Where is the ego boost?

If you are like me, some days make it hard to remember ever being appreciated. It might feel like no one ever thanks you for anything. You are having a truly horrible day.

I recommend keeping your kudos.

There is nothing wrong or egotistical about wanting to remember and reflect on past praise. Honestly, it feels good to wander down your kudos memory lane.

  • I have a few ways that I keep kudos.
  • I have a folder that I keep at my desk with thank you cards or letters that I have received.
    • When I had a cube, I kept the kudos notes pinned to my cube wall.
  • I have an email folder that I put in thank you and kudos emails.
  • I have a picture folder on my computer which includes pictures of flowers or plants that I have received as a thank you gift.
  • I use a picture of my kudos cards or flowers as a lock screen or background on one of my devices.

When the going gets tough or I just need a smile, I pull out my card folder and look at the nice things people took the time to send to me. Or, I glance at my pictures and read my emails. It helps remind me that people do appreciate when you are helpful or kind. People do notice when you have gone the extra mile. Even if today is horrible, there is a very strong reason to continue to do my best. Out of the blue, someone might notice and even send you a thank you note. Embrace the kudos, you earned it


  1. Thank you Sue for always "hitting the nail on the head" with your posts! I truly appreciate all your words and look forward to each new one!

    1. I am very glad you are enjoying them and finding them useful. I also very much appreciate your time in reading them.

  2. I too keep a folder with thank you and notes of appreciation. I also find it helpful when i have to do my self evaluation at year's end. I appreciate all you do Sue! keep up the good work !

    1. Fantastic! Thanks for the note and thanks for continuing to read my blog. Appreciate the note.


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