Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tennis Shoe Tracking

I have foot problems.  My doctor told me to try and never wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. He recommended that I own at least three to four pairs of every day shoes or tennis shoes so I could swap them daily.  

This year, I have been trying to walk every day.  I owned four pairs of tennis shoes, so I could easily switch shoes every day.  

I realized quickly that I struggled to remember which shoes I wore the day before.  It struck me as too funny that each day as I went to pull a pair out of my shoe holder and I would have to stand there, dumbfounded, at which pair I wore the day before.

I knew I could solve this issues... so I tried a few different things.

  • I took the top pair out and then moved each pair up one level, so that the next day I would have a new pair on the top. 
    • As you can imagine... this got old quickly.
  • I moved all the pairs deep inside their cubby holes. When I returned the day's pair back into their cubby, I would stick them out a bit so that tomorrow, I could grab the pair under the sticking out pair. I would move the sticking out pair deep into their cubbies. 
    • Yes... this also had issues.  Think cats and shoe strings.
  • I pulled out a pair to wear and then pulled out the next pair and put them on the floor so that I would know that tomorrow I should wear the ones on the floor.  
    • Those of you that know me well can only imagine how my anal-retentiveness hated seeing shoes sitting on the floor... so that plan was nixed quickly.  
  • Then... finally... a winner.  I just took the cap off the foot spray I keep on top of the cubby box. I put it in the cubby hole for the shoes I should grab that morning.  Then, as I grab a pair, I move the lid to the next pair for tomorrow.  
    • This answer seems so easy... I am not sure why I didn't start with it.
This might be a very simple suggestion ... but it did teach me that solving a "simple" problem can sometimes take trial and error before you land on the fix that works for you.

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